Course Duration: 2-3 Day2 (8 Hour Days)
Class Prerequisites and Length:
This class has no prerequisite and is ideal for sale representatives, sale managers, business and financial analysts, marketing and CRM content managers, and other professionals interested in business acceleration through analytics.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes:
By the end of class, participants will be able to better:
- Segment the buying market of existing and potential customers by demographic, geographic, economic, and psychographic groupings
- Create Power Maps to align product and service to current customers and potential ones
- Identify cross-selling, higher margin, high growth, seasonality, emerging client subgroups, and new revenue opportunities
- Distinguish growth by waning and waxing to impact pricing and discounts
- Identify emerging opportunities faster than competitors
- Secure targets based on qualified need, high margin, and diversity of base so as not to sell constantly sell to the “usual suspects” only
- Understand BI sales analytics software packages to apply analytics tools to sales campaigns
I. The Types of Sales Acceleration Analytics
a. Descriptive Data and Graphs
b. Predictive Data and Graphs
c. Categories
i. Demographic, Psychographic, Economic, Geographic
ii. Customer Volume, Cross-Selling, Margin, and Retention
iii. Waning and Waxing Customers
iv. ROW (Rest of World) Economic Groups
v. Market Share and Pricing
vi. Bundles and Discounts
vii. CTS (Cost to Sell) and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Considerations
II. Considerations in Sales Acceleration
a. Overlooked Clients and Profit
b. Extrapolating and Interpolating Sales Potential
c. Creating Sales Campaigns for Missing Market Segments
d. Aligning with Product and Service Offerings
e. Bundles to Accelerate Margin Improvement and Ticket Price
f. Regression (historical predictors)
g. Extension (stochastic, seasonal, and economic predictors)
III. Sales Acceleration “Must Haves”
a. Baseline Data and Account Planning
b. Power Mapping and Footprint by Client
c. Content Management Tracking of Website Visits, Interaction, Tenure, Social Media, and Channel Partners
d. Alignment of Data Analytics with Strategy
e. Alignment of Time-at-Task, Sales Incentives, and Payoff
f. Consideration of COS (Cost of Sales), Incentives, Commission
g. Cost To Serve (CTS) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
h. Analytics based on Highest Sales Value to Organization
i. Market Penetration
ii. EXERCISE ONE AND DEBRIEF (Market Opportunity)
iii. Inventory and Operations Predictability and Volume
IV. Software Packages Overviews and their Value to Sales
b. Oracle BI
d. Google Analytics
e. IBM Cognos
f. SAP Crystal Report
g. Tableau
h. Manual Analysis
i. ERP Data
ii. CRM Data
iii. SCM Data
iv. Excel and Minitab
V. How Everyone Wins Through Market Analytics
a. Predictive data drives Sales Cycles and Pricing
b. Blue Ocean and Red Ocean Sales Strategies
c. The Past Predicts the Future
d. The Known Drives the Unknown
e. Is Revenue, New Market Growth, or Margin the King?
f. Formulating Sales Plan
i. EXERCISE TWO AND PRESENTATION (Application to My Organization)
ii. Debrief and Next Steps
g. Using Key Performance Indicators and Critical Success Factors
h. Data Must Yield Insight
i. Insight Must Yield Focus
j. Focus Must Yield Action
k. Action Must Yield Results
VI. Third Party Data
a. Customer Primary Research
b. End-Buyer Values
c. Finance Staff Data
d. Procurement Data
e. Supply Chain Analytics
f. CRM Captured Data
VII. Next Steps in the Organization for Greater Sales Acceleration
a. Formalizing Business Intelligence
b. Analytics Support and Inside Sales
c. User Training for Software
i. Ad Hoc Query
ii. Customer Reports
NCTS courses are customizable by content, length of the course, and format delivery.