Why NCTS Consulting Services
Our experts
Each of our subject-matter experts are leaders in their fields. They combine their real - life business knowledge with the ability to provide customization and consultation for organizations of varying industries, maximizing successful outcomes for the companies we serve.
Business Consultation services
Talent Pipeline Management Consultants
Project Management & Governance
Needs Assessment
Executive & Team Coaching
Appreciative Inquiry
Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Employee Selection Talent & Career Development
Mentoring Programs Culture Change Performance
Management Succession Planning Custom Training

These services have the potential to significantly impact our clients’ organizations.
Similar consultation has positively influenced the following outcomes:
Retention improved by 87%
Employee engagement increased by 40%
On-the-job performance improved by 23%
Work speed improved by 8%
Project success increased by 25%
Development programs were aligned with appropriate career paths
The perceived and realized value of learning and development programs
were demonstrated by using reliable and valid metrics that had meaning to stakeholders
Organizational change was accepted and implemented 30% faster than in the past
Retention efforts aimed at redirecting skilled workers from their intended
retirement yielded a 30% improvement
Let NCTS impact your goals.

Energy Audits
(Commercial and Industrial)
Save money, energy and improve productivity.
Level I Energy Audit, also referred to as a “Walk-Through Analysis”, identifies and provides a basic savings and cost analysis of low-cost and no-cost measures. It also provides a listing of potential capital improvements that merit further consideration, and an initial judgment of potential costs and savings.
Level II Energy Audit includes a more detailed building survey and energy analysis, including a breakdown of the energy use within the building. A Level II analysis identifies and provides the savings and cost analyses of all practical measures that meet the owner’s constraints and economic criteria, along with a discussion of any changes to operation and maintenance procedures. It is required for PACE projects in Michigan larger than $250,000.
Level III Energy Audit focuses on potential capital-intensive projects identified in the Level II Analysis. It requires more detailed field data gathering as well as more rigorous engineering and economic analyses. It provides detailed project cost and savings calculations with a high level of confidence sufficient for major capital investment decisions.
Targeted Audit is an investigation with a limited scope, typically a single energy-using system, central plant, or area of a building. A targeted audit will identify and provide savings and cost analyses for retrofits and control strategy improvements for only the systems of interest.

Courseware Development and Technical Writing