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PMP Certification Exam Prep Online Course 2021

Dates: April 29, May 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27 (1pm - 5pm)

Cost per Participant: $1308.00 (see below to register)

Course Description:

This intensive exam preparation course will provide participants with the knowledge needed to pass the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) Project Management Professional (PMP) examination. The course is kept up to date with the framework of knowledge outlined by PMI’s PMBOK Guide. The instructor (PMP certified) will share test-taking tips, study strategies, and review of critical materials that will directly assist participants in passing the PMP exam. The instructor will be a constant supporter to the participants throughout the class and through their PMP journey.

The course will be delivered through a live online portal, which allows students to take this training from the comfort of their homes, or offices. Participants will work between classes to fulfill the reading and study requirements and activities necessary to pass this course. Participants and instructor will communicate during the live online training, as well as via email between the trainings. Participants will learn about project management through the live instruction, read about it through the class manual (included), and also perform some aspects of it between classes. Ultimately, students will take a sample exam.

The current Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide will be provided for each student in this class, a $60 value. Additionally, participants will have access to a variety of tools for the purpose of passing the PMP exam. The course will consist of nine 4-hour sessions—approximately two sessions per week.

Following the successful passage of the course, participants will receive a certificate they can use as evidence of the course, which is required to schedule the exam. Participants must attend eight of the nine sessions in order to pass.

Course Dates: April 29, May 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, 2021 (1:00pm - 5:00pm)

Course Registration: Email

Course Cost per Participant: $1308.00

Registration Deadline: April 15, 2021

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Resiliency Through Mindfulness

Outline (4 Hr Online)

Course Description:

Employees are challenged on a daily basis due to staggering change, complexity and disruption, including new technology, ever-evolving social norms, updated corporate policies and laws, and the pressure of instant communications. It can be difficult to meet these challenges and external resources can’t always be counted on, but durable inner strengths can be.

This course discusses how to meet your needs, develop inner strengths and discusses the practices of mindful leaders in order to become more resilient resulting in less anxiety, irritation, disappointment, and resentment. When challenges are faced mindfully, you will be able to meet them from a place of calm, strength, and confidence.

Course Duration: 4 Hour Online (Instructor Led)

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this module the trainee will be able to understand.

•      What mindfulness is.

o     The science behind mindfulness

o     The power of mindfulness

•      Meeting needs

•      Developing inner strengths

•      Practices of a mindful leader

Course Outline:

1.    Mindfulness

a.    Defined

b.    Science behind mindfulness

c.    Power of mindfulness

d.    Mindfulness exercise

2.    Meeting needs

a.    Feelings when needs are met versus unmet

b.    Primary needs

c.    Needs exercise

3.    Developing inner strengths

a.    Discuss developing inner strengths with examples

b.    Inner strengths exercises

4.    Practices of a mindful leader

a.    Discuss practices of mindful leaders with examples

b.    Mindful leader practices’ exercises

5.    Competence Exam

 NCTS courses can be customized by content, length of course and format delivery.

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Leadership for First Time Supervisors Online LIVE Course Outline

Course Description:

This workshop focuses on how to better lead your employees to a higher performance. Leadership for first-line supervisors is a process of relationship building and setting goals. How well you lead, teach, develop and coach relates directly to how well you are able to foster a great working relationship with your employees through understanding them and strategic goal setting.

An easy-to-understand leadership coaching model taught in this workshop will guide you through the process. Prepare yourself to change a few things about yourself in order to lead your employees to better a performance.

Course Duration: 5 Days (4 Hour online sessions)

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this module the trainee will be able to understand:

● Define leadership, coaching, mentoring and the GROW model.

● Identify and set appropriate goals using the SMART technique of goal setting.

● Identify the steps necessary in defining the current state or reality of your employee’s situation.

● Identify the steps needed in defining options for your employee and turn them into a preliminary plan.

● Identify the steps in developing a finalized plan or wrapping it up and getting your employee motivated to accomplish those plans.

● Identify the benefits of building and fostering trust with your employee.

● Identify the steps in giving effective feedback while maintaining trust.

● Identify and overcoming common obstacles to the growth and development of your employee.

● Identify when the coaching is at an end and transitioning your employee to other growth opportunities.

● Identify the difference between mentoring and coaching, using both to enable long-term development through a positive relationship with your employee.

Course Outline:

Understanding the difference between Leaders and Managers.

What are the Characteristics of a Leader.

What are the characteristics of a manager/first-line supervisor.

Why Coaching is seen as a leadership quality.

Defining Coaching and Mentoring

● What is Coaching?

● What is Mentoring?

● Introducing the G.R.O.W. Model

Setting Goals

● Goals in the Context of GROW

● Identifying Appropriate Goal Areas

● Setting SMART Goals

Understanding the Realities

● Getting a Picture of Where You Are

● Identifying Obstacles

● Exploring the Past

Developing Options

● Identifying Paths

● Choosing Your Final Approach

● Structuring a Plan

Wrapping it All Up

● Creating the Final Plan

● Identifying the First Step

● Getting Motivated

The Importance of Trust

● What is Trust?

● Trust and Coaching

● Building Trust

Providing Feedback

● The Feedback Sandwich

● Providing Constructive Criticism

● Encouraging Growth and Development

Overcoming Roadblocks

● Common Obstacles

● Re-evaluating Goals

● Focusing on Progress

Reaching the End

● How to Know When You’ve Achieved Success

● Transitioning the Coachee

● Wrapping it All Up

How Mentoring Differs from Coaching

● The Basic Differences

● Blending the Two Models

● Adapting the GROW Model for Mentoring

● Focusing on the Relationship

Wrap Up

  NCTS courses can be customized by content, length of course and format delivery.

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Workplace Harassment & Cultural Sensitivity


(4 Hr Online)

Course Description:

Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from the one doing the harassment, such as race, sex, and disability. Experiencing uncomfortable situations in the workplace may be more than an offense against an individual. It can be a crime committed against the law, which is why this topic has become very important for every organization. This course will help give participants the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace as well as understand your rights and responsibilities under the law, with regard to safety in the workplace. Through this course, your participants will recognize that it is necessary for everyone to help create programs that teach employees to identify harassment and exercise anti-harassment policies.

Course Duration: 4 Hour Online (Instructor Led)

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this module the trainee will be able to understand:

·         Define harassment, and understand the history and laws relating to workplace harassment in America.

·         Differentiate between the different types of harassment (quid pro quo and hostile work environment) and how to recognize them in the workplace.

·         Recognize the protected classes and think critically about their issues in the workplace.

·         Identify steps to take when you or someone you work with is being harassed, and what steps to take if you are accused of harassing someone you work with.

·         Define culture and cultural sensitivity, and correctly apply the vocabulary relating to cultural diversity in the workplace.

·         Think critically about your own stereotypes and biases and learn how to combat them.

·         Learn techniques to communicate verbally and nonverbally in a culturally sensitive manner.

 Course Outline:

1.      Getting Started

a.      Meet the instructor

b.      Housekeeping items

                                                              i.      Workshop materials

                                                          ii.      Using Zoom to learn & communicate

                                                           iii.      Code of conduct

c.       “Seeing Stars” Icebreaker Activity

d.      Why are we here today?

e.      Pretest

f.        Learning objectives

2.      Understanding Workplace Harassment

a.      What is Harassment?

                                                              i.      Harassment history & law

1.      Title VII

2.      Other important laws & court rulings

3.      Protecting the whistleblower: Retaliation

                                                             ii.      Harassment types

b.      Impact vs. Intent

c.       What Isn’t Harassment

d.      Review Activity

3.      The Protected Classes, Part I: Race, Color, National Origin, & Religion

a.      Race, Color, & National Origin

                                                              i.      Vocabulary

                                                             ii.      Case study

b.      Religion

                                                              i.      Vocabulary

4.      The Protected Classes, Part II: Gender Discrimination & Sexual Harassment

a.      Gender Discrimination vs. Sexual Harassment

                                                              i.      Understanding the difference

                                                             ii.      Sexism/gender discrimination in the workplace

1.      Case study

                                                           iii.      Sexual harassment

1.      Types

2.      Case study

                                                           iv.      Pregnancy

b.      Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

                                                              i.      Vocabulary

                                                             ii.      Looking towards the future

5.      The Protected Classes, Part III: Age, Disability, and Other Issues

a.      Age

                                                              i.      Vocabulary

                                                             ii.      Are all ages protected?

b.      Disability

                                                              i.      Vocabulary

                                                             ii.      Case study

c.       Additional Protected Classes: State Location Matters

6.      Dealing with Harassment in the Workplace: Policy & Procedure

a.      Employer & Employees

                                                              i.      Rights

                                                             ii.      Responsibilities

b.      If You Are Being Harassed

                                                              i.      Procedure

                                                             ii.      Using Bold Phrases

c.       If You Are Accused of Harassment

                                                              i.      Procedure

                                                             ii.      What about false accusations?

d.      Maintaining Confidentiality

7.      Healing After a Harassment Incident

a.      Tying Up Loose Ends

b.      Steps to Healing

c.       What If My Case Wasn’t Handled Fairly?

8.      Cultural Sensitivity & Diversity in the Workplace

a.      Understanding Cultural Sensitivity

                                                              i.      Vocabulary: Diversity, Sensitivity, & Equality vs. Equity

                                                             ii.      Finding our cultural identity

b.      Stereotypes & Biases

                                                              i.      Vocabulary

                                                             ii.      Unpacking your baggage: confronting your own biases

9.      Culturally Sensitive Communication

a.      The Communication Process

                                                              i.      The Encode-Decode Model of Communication

                                                             ii.      Vocabulary

b.      Nonverbal Communication

                                                              i.      Paralanguage

                                                             ii.      Body language

c.       Active Listening

d.      Communicating for Change

10.  Creating a Culturally Sensitive Workplace

a.      Educate, Educate, Educate!

b.      Encouraging a Dialogue

c.       Celebrating Diversity

11.  Wrapping Up: Workplace Harassment & Cultural Sensitivity

a.      Review & Reflect

b.      Post-test 

  NCTS courses can be customized by content, length of course and format delivery.

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Effective Leadership Online LIVE Course Outline

Course Description:

The needs of today’s workforce requires our leaders update their skills in a variety of areas. This course takes existing and new leaders on a journey toward transition. This journey includes identifying the needs of the current workforce, identifying their own leadership weaknesses, recognizing the value of humility and authenticity and practicing new engagement methods.

Participants in this course will achieve the learning objectives below through role playing, case studies, data analytics, self-exploration and analysis, developing transition plans and more.

Course Duration: 5 Days (4 Hour online sessions)

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this module the trainee will be able to understand:

● Understand their own leadership weaknesses to identify where improvements are needed.

● Understand the needs of the current workforce.

● Identify generational needs.

● Recognize the transitions each person needs to make in order to properly lead the modern workforce.

● Develop a plan to make that transition.

● Understanding the characteristics and benefits of transformational and authentic leadership.

● Developing goals and growth plans for employees to clearly outline expectations.

● Understand the Pygmalion Effect.

● Recognize the impact of word choice.

  NCTS courses can be customized by content, length of course and format delivery.